Shanyin Safe Drinking Water Pilot Project


WaterLeaders has determined that it will pursue the establishment of a pilot project in Shanyin County, within the northern sector of Shanxi province. The local office of the Chinese Center for Disease Control agreed to provide corresponding support and they recommended several villages in Shanyin as candidates for this pilot project due to both their high levels of fluoride and/or arsenic in the drinking water and the high prevalence of fluorosis and/or arsenicosis among the population.

On January 25, 2007, a planning team comprised of staff from WaterLeaders, the Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Chinese Foundation for Disabled Persons traveled to these villages over a period of five days, and conducted a preliminary site investigation to guide the project execution plan.

Of the villages visited, the planning team selected six candidates for the pilot project: Laiyuan, Xishuangshan, Anrong, Yanhzhuang, Baijiapu, and Kuailecun.

General Site Introduction
Site Investigation
Survey Results
Next Steps

12 September 2007Headline

Safe Drinking Water is Essential
Current Situation

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