Safe Drinking Water is Essentail

Safe Drinking Water is Essentail - Virtual ExhibitThe U.S. National Academies, with sponsership by Kenneth E. Behring of the Global Health and Education Foundation, are creating a dynamic, multimedia virtual exhibit about the need for high-quality drinking water around the world, and the solutions and technologies available to increase the quality and quantity of drinkable water.

The information resource is primarily intended for decision makers and other organizations involved in activites in Africa, the Middle East, Asia, and Central and South America, but will also find audiences in educators and students throughout the world. It will be translated into English, French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic.

The web-based exhibit will be an interactive education and communication tool. To illustrate the scope of the problem, information about global water availability, water quality, and demand is being visualized so that the user can contrast the situation in different parts of the world and can quickly identify the areas of current and future pressing need. The user will also have the opportunity to apply various solutions to hypothetical, but illustrative and instructive water treatment problems in a series of simple decision-making scenarios.

This activity emphasizes that there is no single solution to any given water supply problem and that many factors must be considered. The virtual exhibit will be available in early summer 2007 in both DVD and online formats. Initially, it will be available only in English but versions in French, Spanish, Chinese, and Arabic will be available in September 2007.

12 September 2007Headline

Safe Drinking Water is Essential
Current Situation

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